Top 10 Best Primary Schools in Midrand, South Africa

This article contains the list of top public and private primary schools in Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa.

In an era where quality and standard education is the order of the day, it is of utmost necessity for parents to realize the importance of choosing and enrolling their children in a school where they would have their inner minds fully developed and nurtured for the future.

That said, every child has the right to good, quality education, and it is every parents’ responsibility to ensure that their children have access to the best education possible.

However, your choice of school could either make or mar your child’s education development process. For that reason, however, we have compiled the list of top primary schools in Midrand to aid parents and guardians in quest of a high-rated school to find one.

Check Also: Top 10 Best High Schools in Midrand

Midrand is a relatively small town in Gauteng Province with a little over 90,000 people. Despite being strategically situated in central Gauteng Province, and right in-between Sandton and Centurion. Its population remains on the back foot compared to those of its neighbors.

Midrand’s education is one of the best in Gauteng. The city is home to several schools, ranging from primary, high schools to post-secondary institutions. However, to maintain a high level of literacy in the city, primary school education is compulsory for children aged 4 to 12-years.

Primary schools in Midrand primarily serve children from preschool and up to Grade 7. Private and public schools are the two most common types of schools operating in the town of Midrand. Plus a few proportions of denominational primary schools.

While most of the private primary schools in Midrand come at a price and are hugely unaffordable for low-income families, their public counterparts could be far more budget-friendly.

And, in a country where unemployment is heading northward, it is pretty much necessary to figure out which school is within your budget.

We recently published a couple of articles about primary and high schools in South Africa. You can browse this page for more.

List of Top 10 Primary Schools in Midrand, South Africa

1Jubilate Primary SchoolP-7
2Midstream College1-7
3Midrand Montessori Pre-School and PrimaryP-7
4Midland Primary and High SchoolP-12
5Carlswald House Preparatory SchoolR-7
6Acts House of EducationR-12
7Gallagher Combined School1-9
8DreamHill International SchoolR-7
9Reddam House Waterfall1-12
10Kyalami Preparatory School1-12

Top 10 Best Primary Schools in Midrand

1. Jubilate Primary School

TUITIONR3,519 – R9,082 per month
GRADESPreschool – 7
TELEPHONE082 623 4090
ADDRESS54 Mercury Road, Crowthorne, Midrand

Having been in existence for more than two decades and still counting, Jubilate Primary School has so much to offer in extra-curricular activities, and most importantly, quality education. Since its early days in the late 90s, the school has always strived to maintain a strong reputation.

As a certified member of ISASA, Jubilate Primary School is accredited by the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI). In addition to the accreditations, it is registered with the Department of Education.

Like many private primary schools in Midrand, Jubilate Primary School’s curriculum follows the standards and framework of the Independent Examination Board (IEB).

Jubilate Primary is one of the best primary schools in Midrand that align its teachings with the Christian ethos while also providing a great foundation and learning environment for children.

At Jubilate, the size of the classes is relatively small—usually with a maximum of 24 students per class. This allows every learner to be given the attention needed to thrive.

2. Midstream College

TUITIONR6, 447 – R6,705 per month
TELEPHONE(012) 661 0590
ADDRESS01 Ashford Street, Midstream Estate, 1692

Midstream College Primary School is a subsidiary of Midstream College. The parent College currently consists of four Colleges: Midstream Pre-Primary School, Midstream College Primary School, Midstream Ridge Primary School, and Midstream College High School.

For the purpose of this article, however, we are only going to focus on Midstream College Primary School.

In 2006, Midstream College Primary School officially opened its doors to 370 Grade 1 to Grade 7 learners and 21 teachers. 15 years on, the school is alive and kicking.

Midstream College pride itself on hard-working and well-committed educators who are working round the clock with enthusiasm and passion to encourage learners to reach their God-given potential.

3. Midrand Montessori Pre-School and Primary

GRADESPreschool – 7
TELEPHONE064 774 9642
ADDRESS152 Surrey Rd, Carlswald

Midrand Montessori Pre-School and Primary isn’t rated among the best primary schools in Midrand for nothing. It certainly deserves a spot in the top 10, for sure.

Apart from being a school of immense opportunities, Midrand Montessori allows learners the freedom to discover themselves, while fostering their personalities in a safe and stimulating environment.

Midrand Montessori Primary School is divided into two sections: the Junior (6 to 9) year environment and, the Senior (9 to 12) year environment.

Learners are made to offer an approved SAMA-adopted AMI Montessori curriculum. This curriculum includes music (recorder lessons), creative arts, physical education, as well as Afrikaans and Zulu as additional languages.

In addition to serving learners with an up-to-date curriculum, the School has also started integrating technology into teaching and learning using Microsoft solutions.

4. Midland Primary and High school

TUITIONR2,284 – R2,898 per month
TELEPHONE010 443 3482
ADDRESS28 Guildford Road, Crowthorne AH, Midrand

Midland Primary and High School offer a highly progressive, and dynamic education for learners within and beyond Midrand. The school, in its entirety, focuses on providing quality education to every single learner under its care.

Right from inception, the school has been conceived as an answer to the ever-growing need for qualitative primary schools in Midrand, and the country at large.

From first to the last grade, students are equipped with concrete foundations in Information Technology (IT), Mathematics Education, Science, and Engineering.

As part of its mission to bring out the best in every child, the school strives to nurture and develop each student to reach his/her full potential. In order to achieve this, however, the school set goals that are dominated by a 100 percent pass rate.

In addition, to develop well-rounded learners, the school set a strong tradition of involvement in extra-curricular activities, both in and off the school.

5. Carlswald House Preparatory School

TUITIONR4 755 – R5 525 per month
GRADESReception – 7
TELEPHONE011 029 0802
ADDRESS82 Lyncon Road, Midrand, 1684

Carlswald House Preparatory School is an independent school situated in Midrand. The school is a member of the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA) and is registered with the Provincial Education Department.

Despite being relatively small compared to other schools in Gauteng, it possesses most of the facilities needed to ensure that learners are exposed to the digital way of learning.

Having said that, the school is growing at a tremendous pace and has more than enough of what it needs to serve the increasing demand for top primary schools in Midrand.

At Carlswald House, every child is encouraged and nurtured to be proactive and confident towards education.

Top Private Primary Schools in Midrand

6. Acts House of Education

TUITIONR 4 220.34 per month (Grades 1-7)
TELEPHONE071 543 2693
ADDRESS187 Allan Rd, Glen Austin AH, Midrand, 1685

Acts House of Education is one of a few Christian private schools in Midrand. As a school with a strong Christian background, it aims to equip learners with Christ-centered education, which will, in turn, facilitate their love and respect for one another.

Established in 2015, Acts House of Education is a fully accredited school, by UMALUSI, and is also registered with the Gauteng Department of Education.

In addition, the school is affiliated with a number of educational organizations, including the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA), and the Acts Christian Church.

Having launched in the tech era, the school embraces science and technology in open arms. From Grade 4 to 6, learners are taught the basics of robotics and computer programming.

Acts House of Education is divided into two schools: Acts Primary, and Acts High. While the former caters to learners from Reception through Grade 7; the latter serves students from Grade 8 to Grade 12.

The Acts Primary, however, is further divided into 2: The Foundation Phase (Grade R to Grade 3) and the Intermediate (Grade 4 to Grade 6).

At Acts Houses, class sizes are capped at 24 learners per class, and each Grade has 2 standard classes, driven by a passionate team of qualified teachers.

7. Gallagher Combined School

TUITIONR2 710 – R2 750 per month
TELEPHONE078 661 8118
ADDRESS537 Lupton Drive, Halfway House, Midrand

Gallagher Combined School enrolls students (boys and girls) aged 5 to 14. The school is arguable, one of the cheapest private schools in Midrand, serving learners from Grade 1 to Grade 9, and has proven time and time again to offer the best possible education to students from diverse economic and social backgrounds at a low cost.

Gallagher School has a unique atmosphere in terms of education. Learners are taught to love numbers and the Japanese abacus Mathematics which is a compulsory subject at the school.

While computer skills, mathematics, and sports are compulsory. Swimming and other extra-curricular lessons may be voluntary and not mandatory.

However, students are often encouraged to participate in all school activities.

8. DreamHill International School

TUITIONR2,950 – R4,300 per month
TELEPHONE010 023 0556
ADDRESS78 Lourens Street, Halfway House, Midrand

DreamHill International School is an independent Grade R to Grade 7 school situated in Midrand. The school is registered with the Gauteng Department of Education.

As an International School, DreamHill School’s curriculum is made up of International and Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) to ensure a stable curriculum on par with the best international schools.

DreamHill School provides a platform where young learners are provided with high-quality education, with an emphasis on intellectual skills development.

All classes at the school are small. This ensures strong teacher-student bonding.

Presently, the school has approximately 500 happy learners on the register.

Also, a cent percent of parents whose kids are at DreamHill School is, in its entirety, satisfied.

9. Reddam House Waterfall

TUITIONR9 577 – R12 413 per month (Gr 1-7)
GRADES1 – 12
TELEPHONE+27 (0)10 060 0107
ADDRESSCountry Estate Road, Midrand, Johannesburg

Reddam House Waterfall welcomes children from 1 year old to Grade 12. The school is situated within a well-secured estate in Midrand, known as the Waterfall Estate.

Reddam House provides independent private school education in affiliation with the Independent Examination Board. The school is popularly known for its well-recognized international curriculum.

As a proud member of Inspired, a leading global premium schools group operating in Europe, Asia-Pacific, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.

Reddam House provides learners with state-of-the-art facilities to learn and thrive, including an Olympic-sized swimming pool, creative science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) facilities, modern auditorium, and a multifunctional Astroturf.

At Reddam, students are nurtured individually in a relaxed and self-disciplined atmosphere.

10. Kyalami Preparatory School

GRADES1 – 12
TELEPHONE082 623 4090
ADDRESS10 Lyndore Ave, Kyalami, Midrand, 1684

The last on our list, but not the least, is Kyalami Preparatory School.

Kyalami Preparatory School is an independent, co-educational, diverse school in Midrand. The school is a member of various academic organizations, including the Independent Schools Association of Southern Africa (ISASA), Independent Examination Board (IEB), Southern African Heads of Independent Schools Association (SAHISA).

Kyalami Prep is accredited by the Council for Quality Assurance in General and Further Education and Training (UMALUSI). The school serves the need of the host community, and also ensure the relevance of the subjects provided.

Kyalami’s school environment is supportive and stimulating while upholding the cultural and ethnic diversity of the country.

Primary Schools in Midrand Fees

The average monthly school fee for Grade 1 to Grade 7 students at any primary school in Midrand ranges from a little over R2 000 up to R15,000.

At Midrand primary schools, fees can be paid in installments (per month), or in full (per annum).

Final Thoughts

Having said that; before you draw a conclusion on which school to enroll your child(ren), it is important to take this range of factors into consideration.

Firstly, you have to consider the proximity between your home and the school in question, and whether the school enrolled based on the catchment area.

Also, depending on your child’s age, you may want to have your child opt-in to the Aftercare program.

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